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How to get results from your website, newsletter, or social media content
- Be specific, not vague.
Not: “Hunger is a problem in our community.”
But: “Two-hundred and fifty children in Bedford will go to bed hungry tonight.”
- Email Subject Lines
Which are you most likely to open?
Subject: July newsletter
Subject: 10 ways to save money on car repairs
- Don’t forget the call to action:
• Subscribe…
• Share this…
• Register for…
• Download this…
• Don’t miss the…
- Make it personal.
Write as though you were talking to an individual reader, not to “an audience.”
- What’s in it for me?
Whether you want customers, volunteers, donors or students…tell them how they will benefit.
- Make me care.
Write content that elicits emotion.
- It’s about me, not you.
Provide content that will help people solve their problems.
- “Show,” don’t “tell.”
Tell stories about how lives have been changed, not about an issue.
- Speak my language.
Identify who you are trying to reach and use language they understand.
- 10. Don’t just inform me…
Entertain me, inspire me, make me trust you, make me want to know more.